The Art and Science of Successful Planning

Public Benefits Planning

Medicaid ICP

Florida Medicaid Institutionalized Program (ICP), commonly referred to as The Nursing Home Medicaid Program, provides coverage for most of the costs of nursing home care for qualified individuals. The applicant must meet certain medical and financial criteria. The financial requirements are based on the "income cap" and "asset test" and are different for single people and for married people.

Medicaid Diversion

The Long-term Care Community Diversion Program is a Medicaid waiver program designed to provide community-based services to people who would otherwise qualify for Medicaid nursing home placement. The industry commonly refers to the Diversion program as the (ALF) Assisted Living Facility Medicaid program. The services provided by the Diversion Program include a variety of long-term care services and Medicaid-covered medical services. The objective of the Diversion Program is to provide frail elders with safe, appropriate community-based care alternatives in lieu of nursing home placement, at a cost less than Medicaid nursing home care. Medicaid Diversion will provide Medicaid benefits to the elderly at home or pay for part of the assisted living facility monthly costs. Unlike ICP, which covers room & board and all of the care level, Diversion within an ALF typically an assisted living environment covers only level of medical care.

Individuals that meet the following criteria are eligible to receive services under the Diversion Program:

  • Be 65 years of age or older
  • Reside in a Diversion Project service area
  • Be a Florida resident
  • Be a U.S. citizen or qualified noncitizen
  • File for any other benefits to which they may be entitled
  • Disclose any rights to third party liability (i.e., health insurance)
  • Have Medicare part A and part B
  • Meet nursing facility level of care criteria and additional clinical criteria as determined by the Department of Elder Affairs' CARES Unit
  • Meet the income limit of $2022 for an individual or $4044 for a couple
  • Meet the asset limit of $2000 for an individual or $3000 for an eligible couple
  • If your monthly income exceeds $2022/month you still can benefit from Medicaid Diversion by setting up a (QIT) Qualified Income Trust. This is a legal document that can be drafted a qualified Elder Law Attorney.
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