Tyler G. Harrelson, CES, CLTC, CFS
Investment Advisor Representative President
(239) 489-0965
Tyler’s practice is very multi-faceted. He practices primarily in the area of business and personal financial consulting, which touches just about everything in life that has anything to do with finances. Due to his broad...
Annette Connie
General Lines (Property & Casualty 220)
(239) 489-0965
Bryan Baskin (LNHA)*
Licensed Nursing Home Administrator
Elder Armchair Advisor
Phone: (239) 489-0084
Cell: (405) 834-9706
Brian’s focus is assisting our senior-aged clients with their decision-making process on the
appropriate care and community selection. Bryan graduated with his bachelor’s degree in
sociology and later attended the University of Oklahoma gerontology scholar program earning
his license in Healthcare Management with a specialty in geriatrics.